Want a sneak peek into ELL Strategy Academy?

Uncategorized Jun 24, 2020

Many times you'll hear people say, "just focus on vocabulary with beginner ELLs." But how exactly do you do that and make it meaningful? Check out the video above for one of the 25 strategy videos to get a sneak peek into more of what you'll see inside the course.

Does your classroom look anything like this? 

"Our current classrooms might have orally proficient EL students who lack academic English skills, students who just entered the country and have little or no English but who received an education in their native language, native English speakers who have good academic preparation, and other students who have little formal education. Also, teachers must address the different academic needs of native and fluent English speakers in the same classroom. While all teachers must deal with a certain amount of diversity of skills and preparation among their students, such huge differences can create daunting challenges for teachers when they do not have adequate support from district resources, policies, and practices."

Can you relate? Daunting was an understatement when I first started teaching and had to juggle the wide range of needs my students had while balancing the demands the district placed upon me. I was getting squeezed in all directions and had no idea how to get help. 

Fast forward ten years, and I have figured out how to meet the needs of ELLs that come from no educational background to ELLs that just need that extra push to exit the program. How? I simplified the process using the 3-step framework and then slowly added in new ways to differentiate. 

Did you catch those two s words? Simplify and slowly. 

Those two s words seem counterculture in the day we are living in, but they are a vital place to begin; otherwise, the daunting problem and huge overwhelm quickly take over. 

In ELL Strategy Academy, we will walk through the framework you need to get started, and we will do it is a simplified and at a slow rate. No overwhelm, no stress, just step by step together. 


Unlock the other 24 strategy videos plus MUCH more today! 

Let me walk you through how to support ELLs in the classroom through a simple and slow speed so you can make sure you are gaining the knowledge and skills to change how you approach ELLs, and how they learn in your classroom! 

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Two Step

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